Saturday, December 01, 2007

No sign of Stumpy

We're still hoping that he'll come back after hunting season. Lots of little males in the front-yard herd, but no Stumpy.


~Tonia~ said...

Oh no I was hoping that he was one of them in the picture. If he doesn't return, hopefully one of the little males is his.

rita said...

I hope that he'll father lots of little ones this season. And maybe he'll come back after hunting (and mating!) season is over.

It could happen!

Tonight there were 11 out front, and Molly wasn't there. I took some photos and came back inside (it's cold out there!), and another one showed up. Molly was there with his little boy buddies earlier today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rita,
How did you find Jinky? I love your herd! And of course, you're a knitter, right?

Thank you for ordering the book! You're going to like the knitting in there, I'm telling you. I'm a crazy knitter.

So write to me at and let me know how you found us!
Carole, Jinky's mom

and you might like this too,

Anonymous said...

Hi Rita,
I'm glad you like it and think it's a hoot. You still didn't tell me how you found us!
Here's my email:

I want some knitting help from you. Please look at the crazy sweater I knitted for Jinky on his website, will you?
