Monday, August 27, 2007


I'll catch up as soon as I can! Now that I'm back at school, things might calm down a little.

Quick notes:

1) The original Mommy deer came back last week.

2) Stumpy and Stella are growing and no longer look like babies.

3) New twins hanging around sometimes.

4) Still working in the afternoons for Claudia.

5) Atlantic City/Bruce Willis/Joe Walsh

6) Florida!


~Tonia~ said...

I was wondering about where you have been. Hopefully things will calm down for you. Glad that the deer are still hanging around.

rita said...

*sigh* Since I'm still working till 5 at Claudia's three times a week, we're still getting home so late that I have time to shower, eat, pick out something to wear the next day, then go to bed. I'm really missing my knitting. I've been knitting in the car on the way home and some on weekends, but not much otherwise.

Thanks for hanging around!