Saturday, May 12, 2007


We finished watching season 3 of 24 last night (on dvd). Way back when it first came on years ago I thought that it was a show that I'd like, you know, lots of disasters, terrorists, nuclear blasts, etc. All in LA. I guess the writers either don't want to wander too far away from LA or else LA is a hotbed of terrorism. Even the President is usually in LA.

But when I tried to watch the show on tv, it was just too scrambled for me to keep up with. It's filmed in "real time"; each hour show is one hour of a hellishly long day, hence the title 24. As in hours. But if it's on dvd, I can keep up with what's going on long enough to understand (more or less) what's going on, and it's a really addictive show. Without commercials. So each "hour" of the day is only 40 minutes long.

Anyway, there were a couple of incredibly irritating women on the show, one who worked for Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) LA Division, the other the meddling power-hungry narcissistic bitch ex-wife of the President, who is that rare political animal, a good and honest man.

Nina, the CTU witch, turned out to be working for first Serbs (first season) then Russians (second season). She was deported (and I still don't fully understand that; she was an American citizen) but kept managing to sneak back into the US and get involved in terrorist plots. Oh, and she also killed Jack Bauer's wife, and Jack doesn't forgive things like that.

Jack Bauer is CTU's best man. Jack doesn't eat, drink, take a cigarette break, or sleep; he does his job and he does it well. He doesn't always play by the rules which frequently gets him a time-out from his bosses at CTU. That doesn't mean he gives up; not Jack, he just keeps working.

Nina showed up again 3rd season; already I can't remember just what treasonous activities she was involved in, but this time Jack killed her. We cheered. Then, during the last show of the 3rd season, the President's MP-HNB ex-wife, who was once again working with the terrorists, was finally killed. Dead. THAT was the most satisfying moment of the show up to this point.

I hope that Tom brought home season 4 today. According to the promo from the end of the 3rd season, Jack loses his job and says a very bad word. I can't wait to see how he gets out of this one. Without Chloe the Wonder Nerd to open sockets, download schematics, and set up perimeters for him, how is he going to rid the world of whatever terrorist threat is in LA this season?

If I lived in LA, I think I'd move somewhere safer, like Iraq.


~Tonia~ said...

Sounds goo, but I just could never get into it.

rita said...

Me too. I can't watch serial shows like that on tv. My attention span (and my bladder) are just too small now. I used to watch lots of drama series, but now half an hour is all I can take.

But dvds are wonderful inventions!