Friday, July 25, 2008

Online concert tonight

Well. Pay $100 for a room in a less-than-$100-per-room-quality motel, and you still have to pay $3 a day to use the internet. Color me pissed.

I stewed about it, but in the end I gave in. I had to check my email and stuff. I'm glad I did, because there's an email from Eric Brace (of Last Train Home) that he and Peter Cooper are live on Whole Wheat Radio (if you miss it, it'll be available as a podcast tomorrow) tonight at 11 EDT, which means 8 PDT our time (the jet lag, once I get home, will be a bitch). As I noted before, we missed last Friday's show at home, so this will help to make that up a bit.

Poor A is going to be so bored tonight.

Photo lifted from Whole Wheat Radio's website. Oh God, Peter, does this mean you cut that gorgeous hair???


NT said...

Rita! It was fun seeing you and all the other Eric fans listening last night. Wow, what a loyal crew you are. (You listened from a hotel - that's a first!) And now I totally see why. The show last night was just in a different class altogether with superb songwriting, sincere performance and some good-ol' entertainment to boot. I'm gushing, but it's impossible not to with these guys.

Thanks again for stopping by!

Debbie T said...

I had a hotel try to charge me $2. to use a safe in my room that I didn't use. I made the innkeeper run my card again and remove it. Hey, $2. is a cup of coffee and besides it was the principle. He was pissed. Oh well.