Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fins to the left

Really. Look at this photo I took about an hour and a half ago.

I'll wait.

*elevator music plays*

It may be hard to see; I certainly didn't notice it when I took the photo. Just under the setting sun, a tiny bit to the left, there is a fin. I had to enlarge it to make sure of it, but it is.

I'm at St. Petersburg Beach (Florida) with my daughter and her family. We're staying in a hotel on the beach, so the kids and I went out after dinner to spend a few minutes frolicking. I've never been able to take a decent sunset photo, so I tried again.

I'm pretty happy with it.

I'm pretty sure that's a dolphin out there. I didn't hear any screams or see blood spreading over the surface of the water.

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