Monday, October 05, 2009

How do you spell relief?

The bank (that owns The Cat House) has accepted our offer on the house.

We had till October 19 to close on it, and we hadn't heard a thing from them yet, so today Tom called. They'll have the papers to us by October 12 (yeah, I've heard that before) and we'll have until November 12 to close.

Tom also called the guy who appraised our house three weeks ago and hadn't gotten his report in yet. He kept saying "tomorrow", but it never happened. Tom had called him several times, and the bank had called, and today Tom got the number. Problem is, it's about $40,000 less than what we're asking for it. Did the guy finally come up with a comp in our area (he'd said he couldn't find one) and just throw out a number that was low because he was tired of dealing with us? The real estate agent thinks we should get much more.

But although many people have seen the place, we haven't had any offers. Maybe if we drop the price a little it'll motivate someone.

So, we're relieved today that we actually did get The Cat House. We're not as happy that we can't take as much out of our present home to pay for it and start the renovations. We're hoping to be in the Zero Mortgage Club once we sell our WV place.

And I'm planning to spend two weeks at The Cat House at Christmas! IN the house! Tom won't be able to go down and start tearing off the deck and the carpet and getting the pool fixed as early as we'd hoped, but with luck (what's that?) by Christmas the house will have electricity, water, and a/c so we can stay in it.

Ahhhh, Christmas lounging around the pool. That's the way to celebrate.

Who's in?


Anonymous said...

Betty said...

The thought of being in the Keys for Christmas should keep you going as our weather gets less and less summer-like here. Does Tom plan to start working on the house right after you close? I hope the pool is ready for you at Christmas..that would be lovely.

Georgi said...

I am there!

Elaine said...

Wa - hoo! Sounds great.

How's the shawl going, by the way (she says with an evil grin :-) ) I actually hope you've already finished it. Truly.

rita said...

Yep, I'm hoping that a couple of weeks in the sun in my own house in the Keys will be enough to keep me going till then. This morning was so cold that I nearly cried.

Georgi, come on; I really think we should have blog get-togethers there!

I was thinking about you yesterday, Elaine. The shawl is maybe 1/3 finished and it's looking good, except those places where I dropped stitches and couldn't figure out where they went. Since I've got stitch markers every 8 stitches, I stupidly thought that I don't need a life line. I'm going to put one in before I do the next repeat.

If I have the chance today, I'll use the good ol' random number generator to choose a winner. Really. I will.