Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We (concert-goers) are screwed

Weep with me.


Anonymous said...

Betty said...

This is NOT good news. Ticketmaster is bad enough by itself. At least we've figured out that you can usually wait until the last minute and get good seats that have just been released, at face value, but it's a bit nerve-wracking.

~Tonia~ said...

Good Lord!!! Don't they fee us enough as it is? My Mom wanted to take us and our son to the circus. It was going to cost $25 more on top of the ticket price for all the fees! WTH??? Do they really need that much money to print 4 tickets? And if you want to print them yourself they charge you even more! I hope someone does something about it or no one is going to be able to go to concert, rodeo, circus, disney on ice, etc.

rita said...

It's a really bad situation. It's bad enough to pay up to and over $100 for one ticket, then have to pay $18 on top of it for their "fees". I don't think it's going to get any better, either, unless we all just boycott them.

And that is REALLY hard if you have a child who loves the circus, Disney on Ice, or Hannah Montana!

Anonymous said...

Betty said...

I know....there are some concerts (Neil Diamond) that I just won't boycott, not matter what the price, but Ticketmaster sure does make my blood boil. I don't understand either why they charge you more to print your own tickets than they do to print them themselves and mail them to you. Concerts are so much fun and they are becoming unaffordable.

rita said...

Well, yes, we have to go see Neil, but I'm not sure I'm up to dealing with TicketBastards any more. I'll let you curse as you hit "refresh"!

Anonymous said...

Joan here--I didn't even click on the links. Ticketmaster has been so crappy to regular people who can't/won't pay huge amounts for the ticket prices they charge, or for the tickets they help buyers SCALP so that TM gets a cut from those sales too...Jerks.