Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I'm seeing a lot of google searches for things relating to XM/Sirius' new programming, and a lot of it is along the lines of "XM Outlaw Country sucks", and I agree with the sentiment.

Another one that's being searched is Elizabeth's Cook's apron strings show. Her show seems to be only on Friday mornings as I drive to work (yeah, it's all about me), so I hear part of it. She plays decent music most of the time and even talks about the music a bit, but she talks too much. She talks about the weather, what she's doing this weekend, "what are y'all doing this weekend?", and other stuff that I really don't need or want to hear at 6:30 in the morning, thankyouverymuch.

Ms. Cook, if you happen to read this or hear about it, please, less talk and more music. That's why I listen to the radio. If I want talk, there are plenty of talk channels I can switch to. But I want music, just music, and no talk that early in the morning.

Or any time of day, for that matter.

Thank you.

--an XM Cross Country listener who is hoping that "Outlaw" Country will become less "Outlaw" and more music


Debbie T said...

Well, if it matters, I heard ya! lol Yeah, I'm not one much for talkie kinda channels either. Give me Alison Krauss any ol' day, all day! :=)

rita said...

I love Alison Krauss! Her voice is perfect.

The idiots need to quit talking and play music, dammit!